General GATS Questions
Q1. What are the fees associated with using GATS?
Q2. I have recently sold my house. Do I still receive the Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) from that house after the sale?
Q3. What is the difference between the compliance market and the voluntary market?
Q4. I received an email that my application needs a correction, how do I make the correction?
Q5. I have a solar system on my house. How do I get SREC’s ?
GATS Functionality
Q1. How do I become a GATS user?
Q2. I forgot my password, how can I reset it?
Q3. I am a behind-the-meter generator, can I participate?
Generation Entry
Q1. When can I enter my generation data?
Q2. How do I enter my generation data in GATS?
Q3. Which method of loading my generation data is preferred?
Q4. How do I read my meter?
Q5. I am currently using meter readings to report my data. My inverter is faulty and has to be replaced. This will set my next month's meter reading at a lower value than the previous month's. What do I do in this case?
Q6. My system’s generation entry type is either meter readings or actual kilowatt-hour entry. Can I switch to estimates?
Q7. I uploaded incorrect meter readings. What should I do?
Q8. I missed the generation entry deadline. Can I upload generation data for several months?
Q9. Can I upload generation data for several generators?
Q10. I am trying to enter data for a previous month and the system is stating that “certificates already exist for this period.” What am I doing wrong?
Q11. I am entering my meter reading for the first time. What do I place as my previous month’s generation?
Certificate Creation
Q1. When are certificates created in GATS?
Q2. Where are my SRECs?
Transfer Functionality
Q1. I transferred my S/RECs to the wrong person. What can I do?
General RPS Questions
Q1. What is the reporting period for my state?
Q2. How long can I hold onto my (S)RECs?
General GATS Questions
A1. What are the fees associated with using GATS?
Please refer to Appendix A – GATS Fees (PDF) for details regarding the types of fees.
A2. I have recently sold my house. Do I still receive the Solar Renewable Energy Certificates from that house after the sale?
Typically the SRECs will remain with the property. If an agreement is made between the buyer and the seller of the home, proper documentation would be required to demonstrate this agreement was made. PJM EIS will require a copy of the agreement of sale stating the SRECs will remain with the original owner as well as the PJM EIS System Change form which needs to be signed by both parties.
A3. What is the difference between the compliance market and the voluntary market?
The compliance market is used by a utility company to satisfy its compliance for a particular state's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). If a utility company fails to meet its RPS obligation, the company faces a payment per megawatt-hours the utility is short, or, must pay an alternative compliance payment (ACP). This ACP sets the ceiling offer price for an SREC. The voluntary market is used for companies that want to purchase specific types of electricity. The voluntary market is not bound by ACP market forces; SRECs can fetch a range of prices, given various factors.
A4. I received an email that my application needs a correction, how do I make the correction?
You will go to the “Asset Management” box in your GATS then click on “Display My Assets” then click on “Plant-Unit” this will return you to your application. Once you have made the appropriate correction be sure to click save so your generator application goes back to “Pending” status to be reviewed again.
A5. I have a solar system on my house. How do I get SREC’s ?
Your generator must be certified in a least one state program. Once certified, the first step is to create an account with PJM EIS. Once your account is approved, you will sign in and register your generator. Your generator will go through validation and once approved, you will then be able to enter your generation. We process generation and create certificates on the last business day of the month, for the previous month(s) generation.
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GATS Functionality
A1. How do I become a GATS user?
If you are the owner of the system and will manage the account yourself, you will need to complete Schedule C-1 (PDF). This will be completed and submitted online. If you are an aggregator or offtaker, operating a facility on behalf of an owner, you will need to complete a Schedule A form. The Schedule A (PDF) states that the generation owner gives you the rights to operate on its behalf within the GATS system.
After the online form is filled out, the user’s application will go under review. Approval is determined on receipt of the applicable schedule forms. Normal review will take about three business days. Schedule A forms can be emailed.
A2. I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
You can click on the "Forgot Your Password" link that can be found at the main login page. If you are still experiencing difficulties logging in please contact the GATS hotline (610) 666-2245.
A3. I am a Behind-the-meter generator, can I participate?
BTM participation in GATS will be in accordance with individual state jurisdictional policy, notably decisions on BTM generation qualification in policies such as a clean energy portfolio standard or green energy procurement programs.
BTM generators must supply evidence of state certification for participation, which should include provisions for verification and audit of meter data.
For further information on certifying your BTM generator, or specific compliance questions, please contact your local state program administrator. Please refer to the Program Information. BTM generation data must be entered on an at least annual basis; however, it can be entered monthly, if preferred.
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Generation Entry
A1. When can I enter in my generation data?
For BTM generators, you may enter your data for the previous month's generation beginning on the first day of the new month until noon the day before the last business day of the month. Generation entry should be from a meter reading taken from the 1st day of the month up through the 15th day of the month. If a meter is read after the 15th day of the month you will have to wait to enter your generation the next month. You will need to take an updated reading prior to the 15th day of the next month.
PJM generators will have their data loaded automatically by the 10th business day of the month.
A2. How do I enter my generation data in GATS?
If you are an internal PJM generator, your data will be uploaded from PJM Market Settlements.
If you are an external or behind the meter facility with a fuel type other then solar then you will self report the generation data in MWh.
If you have a solar system under 10 kilowatts, there are three ways to enter your data in GATS. As noted above, you select your desired method of entry in your generator registration form.
- Actual Generation (kWh): The subscriber must input the generator's current reporting month's generation data.
- Meter Reading (kWh): The subscriber must enter a meter reading value for the current reporting month. The GATS system will subtract the difference between the most recently uploaded month and the currently uploaded month.
- Production Estimate (kWh): If the subscriber's system qualifies for use of production estimates, estimates will be created based on applicable state rules. When the subscriber's system is certified by the state, a notification is sent if eligible for production estimate use.
If you are a solar system over 10 kilowatts, data may only be entered by inverter/meter readings depending on the state rules.
A3. Which method of loading my generation data is preferred?
If your facility is smaller than 10 kilowatts, ultimately, the method in how to load generation data is a personal preference.
A4. How do I read my meter?
Please refer meter questions to your installation company. Meters vary by installation.
A5. I am currently using meter readings to report my data. My meter is faulty and has to be replaced. This will set my next month's meter reading at a lower value than the previous month's. What do I do in this case?
Contact a GATS administrator. The administrator can see if an adjustment can be made to your system depending when the meter was replaced. Each situation will be handled individually depending on the timing of the replacement.
A6. My system’s generation entry type is either meter readings or actual kWh entry. Can I switch to estimates?
Per the GATS operating rules, once systems are entering data using meter readings or actual kilowatt-hours data entry can't be switched back to estimates.
A7. I uploaded incorrect meter readings. What should I do?
Please contact a GATS administrator via the GATS hotline (1-877-750-GATS). An administrator will be able to assist you.
A8. I missed the generation entry deadline. Can I upload generation for several months?
Generation for multiple months can be entered into the system. The generation will need to be broken down by month or the system will flag the generation as being too high.
If you are unsure of the monthly values, please call the GATS administrator (1-877-750-GATS) for assistance.
A9. Can I upload generation for several generators?
Yes. Select "Upload KWh Generation" in the generation screen of GATS. This will allow the user to upload data for either several months or several generators at one time. Data can be entered via text or .csv file.
A10. I am trying to enter data for a previous month and the system is stating that “certificates already exist for this period.” What am I doing wrong?
You are unable to enter in data for prior months when future months have already been processed.
Please contact the GATS Administrator (1-877-750-GATS) for assistance.
A11. I am entering my meter reading data for the first time. What do I place as my previous month’s generation?
The previous meter reading field will depend on when you are eligible to start generating your RECS. Some states will allow you to get credit back to the online date of the system which means that the previous meter reading is most likely going to be “0.” If you are eligible from a particular date and your system has been online, you will need to enter in a value based on your start date in that state.
If you need assistance in determining your previous meter reading based on the state rules please contact the GATS Administrator (1-877-750-GATS) for assistance.
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Certificate Creation
A1. When are certificates created in GATS?
Certificates are created for the previous month’s generation on the last business day of the current month.
A2. Where are my SRECs?
For behind the meter systems the (S)RECs are placed into the Clean Energy Portfolio Standard subaccount of your GATS account after certificate creation. Your system would be considered behind-the-meter if your unit ID begins with “NON.” For PJM generators the (S)RECs are placed into the active subaccount of your GATS account after certificate creation. You system would be considered a PJM generator is you settle in the PJM Market and your unit ID begins with “MSET.”
Transfer Functionality
A1. I transferred my S/RECs to the wrong person. What can I do?
If the counterparty has not confirmed the transfer then you can withdraw your transfer from your outbox section of your account. If the counterparty has already confirmed the transfer, you will need to contact the counterparty to transfer them back to your account.
If you are unable to resolve this issue, please contact a GATS administrator via the GATS Hotline 1 (877) 750-GATS.
General RPS Questions
A1. What is the reporting period for my state?
Reporting periods vary by the facility certification locale. A reporting period is used to determine the period in which credits are eligible. Please refer to the following list of specific state energy year periods.
- Delaware reporting period: June 1 - May 31
- District of Columbia reporting period: January 1 - December 31
- Illinois reporting period: June 1 - May 31
- Maryland reporting period: January 1 - December 31
- New Jersey reporting period: June 1 - May 31
- Pennsylvania reporting period: June 1 - May 31
- Ohio reporting period: January 1 - December 31
- Virginia reporting period: January 1 - December 31
A2. How long can I hold onto my (S)RECs?
The banking period varies by state therefore this would depend on the state(s) in which your generator is certified. Please check program information and then the state that they are certified in for specific information.
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