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REC Creation

PJM EIS - WindA REC represents the environmental and other non-power data attributes created when renewable energy is generated. RECs can be associated with a variety of generation resources such as wind or solar energy and are measured in single megawatt-hour increments. In order to qualify for RECs, your system must qualify for at least one of the portfolio standards within the region served by PJM.

The video explains the process for how RECs are created.

 Video Creating a Renewable Energy Certificate

Hourly, Timestamped GATS Certificates Process

Users now have the capability to view hourly generation as received from the PJM Market Settlement System for PJM generators registered in their GATS account. Hourly generation data can be viewed in GATS retroactive to January 2022 via the My Generation Report.

This new functionality allows GATS subscribers to convert monthly certificates to hourly certificates, in full or in part for that month, upon retirement.

The Hourly Certificate Information Sheet (PDF) contains additional information with regard to this functionality. There is also a Cheat Sheet available under the Training menu in your GATS Account that provides step-by-step instructions on how to convert your monthly certificates to hourly certificates.